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Epoxy Flooring For Commercial Kitchens in San Mateo, CA

Many cafes in San Mateo have a concrete foundation for their kitchen flooring. Some restaurateurs have decided to refresh their kitchens by pulling out their vinyl tiles or flooring to uncover the concrete and apply epoxy coats instead. In addition, some restaurants currently being designed or remodeled choose epoxy floors for their kitchens as the first option. Others are skeptical. So, here’s a list of commonplace questions about epoxy topcoats in the kitchen in addition to their answers.

Isn’t Concrete Harsh on the Legs and Feet?

The comparison between a concrete floor and other flooring types uncovers minimal differences regarding comfort in kitchens. While carpet is known as comfortable, you are certainly not adding carpet in a kitchen! Vinyl may appear a little less demanding, but the difference is ultimately minimal, and toughness is a problem. Cork is one of the perfect flooring materials for comfort but has major challenges with maintenance. Epoxy flooring can be designed with a sense of give by using specific forms of polyurethane and modifying the depth of the product. If you use rubber matting in your kitchen anyway, the selection of flooring should be decided upon by other factors.

Kitchen Cleaning

Epoxy floors have no cracks or joints, so there is no place for dirt, bacteria, hair, old food, or other contaminants to get stuck. There’s no grout to scour and scrub. Usually, all epoxy floors need for maintenance and cleaning is a mopping. In addition, requesting coved flooring will stretch the strength of epoxy coats up the walls of your kitchen from a matter of inches to more than a foot, protecting your floors and walls from spills and nicks with carts and delivery dollies.

Is Coated Concrete Too Slippery?

It is factual that shiny epoxy flooring in showrooms and retail stores can be slippery when wet, but their floors focus on looks, not functionality. That does not hold true when you use epoxy coatings for a kitchen surface. By adding texture or a no-slip finish to your epoxy coatings, your surface can have more friction than ceramic tiles or vinyl. In fact, many industrial or commercial kitchens in restaurants use epoxy flooring because they offer longer lasting traction with the proper topcoat.

Choose Epoxy Floors in Your Kitchen

Clearly, using epoxy coats in San Mateo for your kitchen has fascinating benefits. But you might have further questions. We’d love to provide you the answers. West Coast Epoxy has years of experience and skill with the application of epoxy topcoats, concrete stains, polishes, and overlays. Give us a call. Or if you like, you can schedule a free onsite consultation with our professional installers using our online form. Any kitchen in San Mateo is bound to benefit from epoxy topcoats!
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