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Epoxy Colors and Textures – Gold River, CA

Epoxy Flooring Colors and Textures

Epoxy floors for concrete advertise an impressive selection of color combos. First, you have the base coat that covers the floor. That is the primary color pick. Then comes picking micas, granules or flakes to scatter on top of the epoxy. These all have their own specific qualities and come in single colors or color mixes. Finally, a clear topcoat seals everything together and protects your epoxy coat from wear, stains and scratching. Here are some aspects of each type of texture.

Flakes for Epoxy Flooring

Flakes are colored chips of a variety of sizes and materials that contrast with your floor coat. You may also use set combinations of color flakes or imagine your own combination. With color flakes it is easy to match a wall color, sporting team colors, business colors, you name it, we can create it.
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Color micas give shine to a floor and really make it be sparkling! Imagine how granite reflects light, and you have the effect of mica. The Mayans valued the decorative qualities of mica, adding it to some of their temples for a sparkling effect. You can use this same system by requesting mica flakes for your epoxy floors.
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Color Granules for Epoxy Flooring

Color granules are sand particles that lend texture to your otherwise smooth topcoat. This is essential for areas with much oil, grease, water or other slippery things. Granules also create grip for sloped floors and any location where slips and falls are potential dangers. Granules are available in solid colors or pleasing color combinations.
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Special Ordering Flakes, Micas or Granules

Browse our individual pages set aside to granules, micas, or flakes to learn more and to see your many options in Gold River. If you don’t see a color you desire to employ, ask us about special orders. Manufacturers are always updating their offerings and the combo may possibly be requested to your satisfaction.
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