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Epoxy Flooring for Airplane Hangars in Orinda, Ca

Airplane hanger with a plane. The flooring is epoxy coated in gray with yellow guidelines to show where the plane should sit. There is equipment around the plane for working on the plane for repairs and maintenance.Epoxy coatings are respected as the best covering for concrete garage floors. And the largest of all garages is a plane hangar! So, if your favorite type of transportation has wings, you should consider West Coast Epoxy in Orinda for safeguarding the concrete in your hangar with resilient and durable epoxy coatings.

Epoxy Coatings — Preferred by Aviators

When you inquire about what aviators like for coating their hangar floors, epoxy coats are consistently mentioned. Hot tires bond to concrete, but not epoxy flooring. Mechanical work causes drips and blemishes, but not on coated concrete. Reports one pilot: “I have had an epoxy floor in my hangar going on 9 years now and it still looks new.”

Advantages of Epoxy Coats for Hangars

Since most hangars are quite huge, providing sufficient lighting is difficult. Lights are placed at a high elevation to accommodate space for airplanes, while the planes themselves cast strong shadows. Epoxy topcoats help solve these problems with their noteworthy reflectivity, bouncing all available light upwards to enhance visibility in the work location.

Another benefit to epoxy topcoats is the ability to embed positioning lines and safety marks right into the floor coating. That way, you don’t have to worry about paint getting scratched and faded, or surface applications losing attachment over time. A well-defined hangar is a safer and more effective workspace, and epoxy coats provide both of those qualities. And if you are concerned about traction when the hangar floor is wet or oily, ask for non-slip additions be incorporated in your epoxy topcoat.

Epoxy coatings are a flexible and effective way to beautify and protect your hangar floor. Save time with the application and provide a quality look by employing professional installers to overlay your hangar concrete. Talk to West Coast Epoxy to find out more about customizing your hangar flooring to match your company or aircraft colors. Call or contact us online to initiate your customized hangar epoxy coat project!
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