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Epoxy Flooring For Commercial Kitchens in Union City, CA

Industrial Kitchen Floors

Numerous professional kitchens use tile on their floors but a modern style in Union City is removing old tiles, exposing the concrete foundation underneath, grinding it smooth, and applying epoxy coatings. Even so, some people hesitate when considering epoxy topcoats in professional kitchens. So, we’d like to respond to some common questions about epoxied flooring in kitchens.

Are Concrete Floors Too Harsh?

Some are concerned that a concrete floor will be too hard on their feet and joints, perhaps resulting in agitation while standing for the long periods demanded during a restaurant shift. In fact, epoxy floors can assist to alleviate this situation. With West Coast Epoxy, you can decide different levels of height and rigidity for your epoxy coats to help with tolerating shock and vibration. With the correct specifications during application, your epoxy floor can be safer for your joints and feet than boring tile or other flooring possibilities.

Is Coated Concrete Simple to Clean?

Epoxy flooring has no joints or cracks, so there’s no place for hair, dirt, bacteria, old food, or other contaminants to get trapped. There’s no grout to scrub and clean. Typically, all epoxy floors need for cleaning and maintenance is a cleaning with a mop. Adding coved flooring can also stretch the strength of epoxy coats up the walls of your kitchen from a matter of inches to more than a foot, protecting your floors and walls from spills and scuffs with carts and delivery dollies.

Are Epoxy Floors Appropriate for Work?

The coating on any concrete floor can be adjusted to improve the traction. Certainly, a high gloss concrete floor like you see in an office building or retail store may be slippery and dangerous when wet, but in kitchens we do not lay down the same coatings as we employ in areas that prioritize appearance over friction. That does not mean that your floor looks commercial or feels like it is produced with grit. The science behind epoxy sealers is far beyond that and offers us many beautiful methods of escaping slick flooring that are accepted by experienced building designers.

Contact Us for an Epoxy Kitchen Floor

Of course, you perhaps have other questions about using epoxy flooring in your commercial kitchen. West Coast Epoxy has the ability, expertise, and skill to answer them all honestly and completely. Please feel free to contact our office by phone or use our online form to submit your questions, and we will respond with clear answers. We are happy to assist you in achieving the useful kitchen floor that you’ve been looking for!
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