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Epoxy Flooring for Airplane Hangars in Lodi, CA

Airplane hanger with a plane. The flooring is epoxy coated in gray with yellow guidelines to show where the plane should sit. There is equipment around the plane for working on the plane for repairs and maintenance.Epoxy coats are renowned as the perfect covering for concrete garage floors. And the biggest of all garages is a plane hangar! So, if your favored manner of transportation has wings, you ideally should consider West Coast Epoxy in Lodi for safeguarding the concrete in your hangar with durable and resilient epoxy coats.

Airlines Add Epoxy Topcoats

Research images of hangars used by industrial aeronautic organizations, and you will note that they all apply some type of concrete coating to provide a quality appearance and make sure that maintenance tasks are easier. While there are a number of different choices for hangar floor coverings, as one pilot stated: “Epoxy coats, properly installed, are the ‘Cadillac’ application.” If you need what is used by the best, you too should choose epoxy coats for your aircraft hangar.

Why Use Epoxy Coatings for Hangars

The larger the hanger, the more tedious it is to maintain enough lighting for night work. And since the majority of work takes place underneath the plane, ceiling lighting is often obscured by the plane itself. Epoxy coatings provide strong light reflection, making it easier to illuminate the working locations in a hangar.

Hangars are also considerably improved by layering safety marks and parking lines right into the floor surface. This makes certain such instructional symbols remain enduring and easy to see. A range of bright and vibrant colors are provided to ensure your hangar space is as safe and efficiently used as possible. West Coast Epoxy also supplies the ever important option of adding a non-slip coating to your epoxy flooring. That way, bad weather will not compromise the traction in your hangar space.

You want your hangar space to look just as top-notch as your aircraft! Epoxy coatings go a long way towards creating the style you desire, with color-matching choices to equal your needs. For more information and to arrange a consultation, contact West Coast Epoxy online or over the phone today!
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Epoxy Flooring in an Airplane Hanger
Epoxy Flooring in an Airplane Hanger