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Epoxy Flooring for Airplane Hangars in Rancho Cordova, CA

Airplane hanger with a plane. The flooring is epoxy coated in gray with yellow guidelines to show where the plane should sit. There is equipment around the plane for working on the plane for repairs and maintenance.The finest way to maintain concrete floors is to cover them with epoxy coatings. Garages are a usual location for epoxy coats, primarily to preserve the concrete from tire marks and oil stains. One of the hugest garage spaces is actually a plane hangar! The larger the space, the more critical it is to have an experienced and capable installer, like the staff at West Coast Epoxy in Rancho Cordova.

Airlines Request Epoxy Topcoats

When you read up on what pilots like for covering their hangar floors, epoxy topcoats are consistently mentioned. Hot tires adhere to concrete, but not epoxy coatings. Engine work causes drips and blemishes, but not on coated concrete. Says one pilot: “I have had an epoxy floor in my hangar going on 9 years now and it still looks new.”

Why Apply Epoxy Coatings for Hangars

Since most hangars are quite huge, providing sufficient lighting is tough. Lights are mounted at a high elevation to accommodate space for airplanes, while the planes themselves cast strong shadows. Epoxy coats help solve these problems with their remarkable reflectivity, bouncing all available light upwards to improve visibility in the workspace.

Hangars are also considerably improved by layering safety marks and parking lines right into the floor coating. This makes sure such instructional tags remain strong and easy to see. A variety of bright and vibrant colors are provided to guarantee your hangar space is as secure and effectively used as possible. West Coast Epoxy also offers the ever-critical option of adding a non-slip coating to your epoxy floor covering. That way, inclement weather will not compromise the grip in your hangar space.

You want your hangar space to look just as beautiful as your aircraft! Epoxy coats contribute to creating the appearance you desire, with color-matching selections to meet your needs. For more information and to arrange a consultation, contact West Coast Epoxy on the phone or online today!
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