Industrial Epoxy Flooring
Industrial buildings require concrete floors that are longer lasting than normal. Big equipment, 24-hour traffic, potential spills and the need for a clean workplace necessitate that the foundation be coated to prevent undue wear, safety hazards, and stains. In consideration of industrial requirements, epoxy researchers created coatings to face these heavy-duty problems. With expertise from West Coast Epoxy, enterprises in Dublin can take advantage of these superior flooring materials to protect and preserve their building foundations.
Specific Demands of Industrial Epoxy
Adding durability is the first specification for industrial-grade flooring. Such treatment specifies the thickest applications of epoxy coatings. This usually means trowel grade epoxies that are made to be extra durable. The advantage of this material is that it better endures surface forces and strengthens the uppermost layer of concrete with closely interconnected polymers that act as a shield to protect and preserve the building’s floor.
Chemical protection is another factor, depending on the manner of industry. By altering the components of an epoxy mix, coatings are produced that withstand the harshest acids or bases. Additional formulations protect against solvents or oils. Describe your concern and West Coast Epoxy has an industrial solution!
Safety in industry is required to preserve life, health and productivity. Safety also limits overhead. Epoxy coatings are provided in a vast range of colors to demarcate secure zones, traffic lanes and work areas. By laying down durable striping, pattern, symbols and color, West Coast Epoxy delineates the entire facility in a helpful way. Safety may also demand non-slip surfaces. We can do that, based on how we apply the topcoat. Trust our experience to make your industrial floor a better, safer place for visitors and employees.
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