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Color Micas

Found throughout the mountain ranges of Earth, micas are a common mineral. Certain micas are specific to certain geographic spaces, offering a natural variation in color and luster. They offer a gentle shine to the rock formations in which they are embedded and can do the same for an epoxy floor. Micas also give a granite-like texture and add a rich sheen to the chosen color combo. The end results are a natural look with a subtlety that simply appeals to the eye.

Benefits of Colored Micas

Some of the advantages of color micas include:

  • Their natural source makes them ultraviolet stable and colorfast
  • Mica has superb chemical resistance
  • Metallic lustre is a prominent feature of colored micas
  • It is very durable and resilient
  • They are possible in multiple colors

To choose a color mica scheme for your concrete flooring, compare our blends, solids and custom possibilities. West Coast Epoxy always makes certain that our clientele in Clayton and Northern California have plenty of opportunities to decide upon exactly the pattern that fits their specifications before adding this beautiful, natural kind of flooring decoration.
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