Epoxy coatings can improve the spaces around your home with color, pattern, protection and expressiveness! Find out more about epoxy coatings around your home.
Oil on your concrete floors is ugly and messy. Applying epoxy coatings prevents a repeat of the problem, but how can you make the epoxy stick where oil exists?
How long do you need to wait before adding epoxy coatings to new concrete? Learn more about the concrete curing phase and how long it needs to last for epoxy.
Epoxy flooring has big advantages over other flooring types. Read more about why our customers in Folsom chose epoxy flooring over wood, tile, and others.
Some jobs lend themselves to DIY projects. Epoxy coatings are not one of these. Laying a smooth epoxy floor without waste or faults is a job for experts!
Inductive charging via magnetized concrete may be here sooner than you think! When you need to renovate your concrete floors to accommodate, we are here for you!
Epoxy flooring is not just for industrial and commercial uses. It also looks great in homes. Find out more about how we can help beautify your home with epoxy!
When you declutter your garage it’s a good time to consider laying down an epoxy floor. West Coast Epoxy is here to get the job done in a variety of colors.
Epoxy floors are made better with the textures and appearance provided by color flakes and color granules. Learn more about these design and functional options.
Epoxy flooring looks good in businesses, but it’s great for homeowners too! Find out about how you can get epoxy flooring for your home.
Do epoxy floors and baseboards go well together? We certainly think they do! Learn more in this article about the requirements for installing epoxy with baseboards in renovations and new construction.
Epoxy coatings have many advantages over other types of flooring, such as tile and carpeting. Find out more how you can take advantage of these super qualities.