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Relief for Allergies

Once again, Spring comes to Roseville! The shining sun brings pleasant temperatures. Nature becomes radiant, as flowers bloom with color, trees produce blossoms, and grass becomes a vibrant green. The wind changes, blowing life into all the budding vegetation from Cirby Ranch to Blue Oaks. Unfortunately, for some individuals that also means pollen in the air, in the parking lot, on their car and in their clothes, eventually drifting into their homes and workplaces. Allergy attacks become rampant, adding a mild misery to living. Carpeting traps those allergens in place, and even with frequent cleaning, the pollen just wafts back in to be trampled into the carpet all over again. The misery prevails!

What can be done with flooring to help allergy sufferers? Wood and tile flooring are susceptible to mold and mildew and are often not practical for work areas. They can also be expensive to install and maintain. But underneath the carpeting, the wood and the tile, there is often a large slab of concrete!

Are Concrete Floors Better for Allergies?

Unfortunately, concrete can produce rather irritating dust particles, if left unsealed and in its natural state. Then it just joins the fray as another irritant. Fortunately, West Coast Epoxy offers you a way to seal off your concrete, making it an excellent alternative to carpet or other floorings in the homes and businesses of allergy victims.

Epoxy coatings seal off the pores in concrete and lock in concrete dust. Epoxy also blocks the formation of mold and mildew if the concrete gets wet. A damp mop easily picks up the allergens resting on its smooth surface, so cleanup is significantly easier and cost-effective. Epoxy coatings are also resistant to scrapes, gouges and dents from falling products or equipment. And let’s not forget the almost endless array of colors, textures, patterns and logos you can add to make your concrete floor uniquely your own!

Whether your allergies are seasonal or year-round, an epoxy floor provides clean air and easy maintenance. Even if you currently have carpeting over your concrete floor, West Coast Epoxy offers a free consultation for Roseville property owners. Perhaps this time of year reminds you of misery from allergies, but an epoxy floor from West Coast Epoxy could remind you of relief! Give us a call, or schedule a free consultation here on our website.

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